
Police reports


Cited: Joshua Gooch, Apartment 1, 1323 N. Fourth St., Toronto, display of plates, driving with a suspended license; and Deborah Jamison, 62, 134 Reservoir Lane, Cadiz, failure to yield.

Arrested: Charles Ward, 48, no address provided, Toronto, possession of a controlled substance, Monday.

Arrested: Bryan Baker, 30, 2509 Cherry Ave., petit theft, possession of a controlled substance, Monday.


Arrested: Jonathan Armitage, 18, 262 Quincy Lane, Tiltonsville, domestic violence, today.

Arrested: Christopher Petschauer, 39, 262 Quincy Lane, Tiltonsville, domestic violence, today.

Jefferson County sheriff

Arrested: Derrick Brown, 27, 812 Roswell Ave., Steubenville, three counts trafficking in drugs, three counts possession of a controlled substance, receiving stolen property, having weapon under disability, Monday.

Arrested: Laurie Crothers, 29, 2508 Crabbe Blvd., Steubenville, failure to appear, Monday.

Arrested: Henry Lee, 38, 393 county Road 20, Dillionvale, theft, forgery, Monday.

Theft: Three couches, two flat-screen TVs, one kitchen dining set, three dressers, wallet, $500 in cash, Social Security card and various other household items stolen from residence in 100 block of Jefferson Street, Amsterdam, Monday.

Ohio Highway

State Patrol

Arrested: Daniel McShan, Steubenville, 39, 601 N. Fifth St., two counts animal cruelty, driving with a suspended license, Saturday.

Arrested: Jason Bias, 41, 36 Murphy Ave., Wintersville, possession of drugs, Monday.

Arrested: Pauline Oxley, 31, 762 Commercial Ave., Mingo Junction, failure to appear, Monday.

Harrison County sheriff

Arrested: Jacob DiLoretta, 22, 38817 Coultrap Road, Cadiz, probation violation, Monday.

Arrested: Austin Riddle, 28, 3655 Club St., Bergholz, theft, trafficking in drugs, public intoxication, Monday.


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