
Police reports

Wellsburg Police

Charged: David M. Francis, 53, 860 Washington Pike, receiving or transferring stolen property, Oct. 11.

Follansbee Police

Charged: James V. Fidazzo Jr., 71, 85 Circle Drive, Wellsburg, driving under the influence and no motorcycle endorsement, Monday.

Charged: Eric D. Tressler, 44, 77 Marshall St., battery and public intoxication, Wednesday.

Weirton Police

Zachary Scott Hinman, 28, 2548 Brooksboro Drive, Erie, Pa., possession of marijuana, possession of a drug abuse instrument, Saturday, arrested following patrol investigation.

Dustin Andrew Minger, 26, 148 Beverly Ave., Weirton, possession of stolen property, Monday, during investigation of recent thefts, patrol officers observed known stolen property in plain view and subject’s property and identified individual on video.

Silvan Setcavage, no age listed, 290 New York Blvd., Weirton, possession of marijuana, Wednesday, arrested without incident on station for an outstanding warrant.

Nicholas Gresko, no age listed, 525 Cove Road, Apt. 202, unlawful entry of an automobile, possession of marijuana, Wednesday, arrested without incident for outstanding warrant, as well as possession.

Tammy J. Brown, 52, Burgettstown, domestic battery and battery.

West Virginia State Police

Charged: Cody L. Dennis, 36, 5368 state Route 43, Richmond, person prohibited from possessing a firearm and possession of a controlled substance, Wednesday.

Wintersville Police

Cited: Lynn N. Malone, 34, 1822 Pennsylvania Ave., Weirton, driving under the influence and speeding; and Samantha S. Simmons, 25, 313 Meadowbrook Drive, driving while suspended and red light violation.

Cited for speeding: Vaughn M. Walker, no age given, 440 South Fifth St., Steubenville; James Norris, 29, 82 S. Byron Drive; Dalton Rose, 18, 363 Williams Blvd., Steubenville; and Skyler R. Krinsky, 31, 204 Beechwood Blvd.

Steubenville Police

No filters: An officer patrolling the LaBelle hilltop spotted a woman lying in a front yard in the 1300 block of Maryland Avenue, Tuesday. The woman said she’d had too much to drink and couldn’t get to her feet, police said. She requested an ambulance.

Ousted: A man in the 400 block of Pittsburgh Street told police he wanted two people removed from his residence, Tuesday. Police said the two were already gathering some things so they could leave.

Big ticket: An Aberdeen Road resident told police she ordered a pair of $830 shoes online and was notified they’d been delivered but never received the package, Tuesday.

Delivered: A resident in the 600 block of North Fifth Street said a delivery truck hit her vehicle, Tuesday. She told police her neighbor he heard the crash and when he went outside, allegedly saw the box truck pulling out from behind the woman’s car. The woman tried to follow the truck but reports “it fled at a high rate of speed and at one point was traveling the wrong way on Sixth Street.” The woman said the truck driver had dropped packages off at her house.

Bothered: A woman in the 400 block of North Fourth Street said a woman was “harassing her constantly,” Tuesday. She said she and her daughter were in their apartment minding their own business and wanted the other woman to do the same, but when police spoke with the other party, she claimed the caller was causing the problems. Police told them to stay away from each other.

Booked: Raven Harris, 36, 1234 Oregon Ave., Steubenville, no child restraints. Police allege they found two children under the age of 5 in the vehicle, one of them standing up and neither of them properly restrained.

Gene A. Smith, 57, 304 N. Third St., Steubenville, possession of drugs and a warrant for misdemeanor theft, Tuesday. Police allegedly found a substance believed to be cocaine in Smith’s wallet.

Cited: Kitty Joe Kurko, 51, 400 Ohio St., Tiltonsville, and Flor De Maria Hernandez, 36, Wilson, N.C., speeding (school zone)

Taking a break: A man was laying on the sidewalk at Sixth and Market streets, Wednesday. Police said they helped the man to his feet and offered him help and a ride to the shelter, but he declined both and said he was “making his way south.”

Intoxicated: A caller in the 500 block of Braybarton Boulevard reported a female behaving suspiciously by his home, Wednesday. Police said the woman admitted knocking on the caller’s door because a relative used to live there, but they noticed she “appeared to be highly intoxicated.” Police reminded the woman of the consequences of being drunk in public and returning to the caller’s home without permission, then left her in the care of a friend who said she’d look after her for the night.

Pilfered: A woman in the 100 block of North Fourth Street told police she got out of the hospital after a several-days stay to discover shoes and cologne missing from her apartment, Wednesday. She said she’d allowed some people to stay with her and they were in the apartment while she was gone.

False alarm: A burglary in progress was reported in the 1500 block of Oregon Avenue, Wednesday. Three females said the would-be burglars had already left but police caught up to them n Woodlawn Road. The driver said he’d been invited to stop at an apartment in the 1500 block, but he accidentally knocked on the wrong door and showed police the text messages telling him to stop by.

Nodded off: Police were asked to check on a woman sleeping in her car at Mr. Fuel, Thursday. An employee said they’d tried to talk with the woman, but she fell back asleep. A Jefferson County sheriff’s deputy who was already there said the woman was slumped over when she arrived, and she’d had to knock on the window several times to stir her. The sleepy woman told police she worked in Youngstown and was on her way home to Wheeling when she got tired and pulled over. Police said she wasn’t slurring words or showing signs of impairment, but they noticed traces of a white powder-like substance on the dash and steering wheel. She said she takes a supplement pill but it got wet and coated the surfaces. She declined medical attention and said she no longer felt tired and was able to answer basic questions when asked, and a K-9 officer didn’t alert to the presence of drugs so she was allowed to leave.

Grabbed: Someone driving a Chevy pickup pulled up at a property in the 900 block of North Street where JMHA crews were cutting grass, grabbed a weed-wacker and left the scene, Wednesday.

Booked: Rojak Matyas, 46, 1259 Bantam Ridge Road, Wintersville, misdemeanor theft, Wednesday.

Served: Casey J. Smith, 42, 425 county Road 47, Toronto, warrant (Municipal Court.)

Citation: Sean E. Wagner, 20,1235 University Blvd., Steubenville, speeding.

Jefferson County Sheriff

Splitting up: A Tiltonsville woman told deputies that after she caught her boyfriend messaging another woman they began arguing and “some items got destroyed” but she wasn’t worried about it, Wednesday. She said no violence was threatened and he was packing his things to move out.

Jeepers, peepers: A Two Ridge Road resident told police someone knocked on her door but when she and her son looked to see who was there, they couldn’t see out the peephole, Tuesday. They said a piece of paper had been placed between the knocker and the door.

Peering in: A woman reported seeing a suspicious male “walking around the Yorkville side of the park, looking into windows,” Tuesday. The man denied looking in windows, but deputies warned him anyway about not doing it anymore.


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