
Church sermon topics

Church sermons set for Sunday include:

• Bell Chapel United Methodist Church, Steubenville: “Blessed Are the Persecuted,” will be the 10 a.m. sermon given by the Rev. Seth Filburn.

• Cadiz Presbyterian Church: “But to Serve.”

• Christ United Methodist Church, East Springfield: “Rise Up.”

• Cove Presbyterian Church, Weirton: “In God We Trust,” will be the 11 a.m. sermon given by Elder Roger Criss.

• Finley Church, Steubenville: “Greatness Redefined,” will be the 10:45 a.m. sermon given by the Rev. Greg Kasler. The 6 p.m. service will be the outdoor movie, “The Grace Card.”

• Harmony Church of Mingo Junction: “Living the Resurrection Life,” will be the sermon from the series “The Story,” Chapter 27.

• Rush Run Community Chapel, Rayland: “Developing a Stronger, Personal Relationship with God,” Part 11.

• St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Steubenville: “Glory, Thinking and Ambition.”

• Toronto First Methodist Church: “Are You Prepared to Serve?

• Two Ridges Presbyterian Church, Wintersville: “Staying Faithful.”

• Weirton First Christian Church: “Serving Others.”

• Weirton Heights Memorial Baptist Church: “Pray, Pray, Pray.”

• Wintersville Church of Christ: “The Resurrection of the Dead.”

• Wintersville Methodist Church: “Remembering the Festivals — Celebrating the Harvest,” will be the combined service held at 10 a.m.


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