
Weirton Kiwanis sets fall festival benefit

KIWANIS MAKES FUNDRAISER DONATION — The Weirton Kiwanis Club made a $100 donation to the upcoming Weirton fall festival event, which benefits Kelsey’s Christmas. Those on hand for the check presentation included from left, John Hudson, Duke Horstemeyer, Ernest Nicholas III, Gary Mastromichalis, Jeff Dopp and Rik Rekowski. -- Contributed

WEIRTON — The Kiwanis Club of Weirton donated $100 to Weirton’s fall festival, scheduled to take place from noon to 3 p.m. Oct. 26. The event is being held to benefit Kelsey’s Christmas.

Co-organizer Jeff Dopp served as a guest during the Kiwanis’s recent meeting.

Sponsors of the event include, Steel & Wolfe Funeral Home, Piggy’s Playground, Children’s Academy and BE Salon.

Those taking part in the festival are asked to go to each business sponsor’s location and make a donation toward Kelsey’s Christmas. Donations can include either a monetary gift or a donation of a toy. A donation is needed to receive a stamp card, officials explained, noting once an individual receives all four stamps from each of the sponsors visited, they can submit the card for a chance to win the grand prize of a $1,000 Kalahari gift card.

Joan Andrews, coordinator of Kelsey’s Christmas, explained her daughter, Kristin, was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia in 2006, losing her battle the following year.

Andrew’s daughter, Kelsey, wanted to keep her sister’s memory alive and simultaneously, do something that would benefit the community.

She came up with the concept of Kelsey’s Christmas — which is nearing its 18th year.

The goal is to collect toys for children who are in area hospitals, including Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

The thought behind the event is to do something for these children who are unable to celebrate Christmas how they typically would and bring some form of happiness to them.

Club members expressed they are proud to be able to support the city’s autumn event which benefits Kelsey’s Christmas.

Kiwanis members stated there will be open play at Piggy’s Playground, a visit from the Pittsburgh Pirate’s parrot, an opportunity to meet Queen Elsa, face painting, area food trucks and Touch A Truck, in which children can see and touch a variety of trucks.


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