
Women’s golf

AWARDS BANQUET — The Town and County Ladies Golf League held its annual banquet and awards ceremony Oct. 3. At left, the club recognized its officers, including, from left, Toni Dondzila, president; Shirley Guida, vice president; Debbie Hendricks, secretary; Signa Findlay, treasurer; and Kathy Antinone, tournament chair. -- Contributed
Those recognized as tournament league championship winners, center, were, from left, Laura Froehlich, low gross, A Flight; Veronica Foldi, low net, A Flight; Pat Zorne, low gross, B Flight; Dora Elizaga, low net, B Flight; Michele Purviance, low gross, C Flight; and Nancy Lelli, low net, C Flight. -- Contributed
The league’s ringer winners were announced, including, from left, Antinone, A Flight; Hendricks, B Flight; and Guida, C Flight. Lelli won most improved player. -- Contributed

Town and Country Ladies Golf

The Town and Country Ladies Golf League held its annual banquet and awards presentation Oct. 3 at Mario’s restaurant in Weirton. Taking part in the event were the league’s 2025 officers, including, from left, President Toni Dondzila, Vice President Shirley Guida, Secretary Debbie Hendricks, Treasurer Signa Findlay and Tournament Chair Kathy Antinone.

Tournament winners for the season were: Laura Froehlich, low gross, A Flight; Veronica Foldi, low net, A Flight; Pat Zorne, low gross, B Flight; Dora Elizaga, low net, B Flight; Michele Purviance, low gross, C Flight; and Nancy Lelli, low net, C Flight.

Ringer winners were: Antinone, A Flight; Hendricks, B Flight; and Guida, C Flight.

Lelli was awarded the most-improved player.


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