
Catholic Central to perform

Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s “Mary Poppins Jr.” will be playing at Steubenville Catholic Central High School at 7 p.m. Thursday through Saturday. The “practically perfect” 70-minute musical, designed for middle school-aged performers, is based on the classic P.L. Travers stories and the Walt Disney film. The seventh- and eighth-grade cast includes 60 students who have worked several hours, learning the music, dancing and lines. Students have learned about theater, cooperation, hard work and finding ways to use their gifts and talents. “All of London is shouting from the rooftops about this exciting stage adaptation of the classic tales of Mary Poppins,” officials commented. Join the Banks family as they encounter adventure after fun-filled adventure with their curious new nanny, Mary Poppins. Adapted for young performers, this musical includes favorite Sherman brother’s songs such as “A Spoonful of Sugar,” “Feed the Birds,” and “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” as well as new songs by George Stiles and Anthony Drewe. Those taking part in the production include, from left, Gus Symington, Caelan Grimm, Nicholas Baillargeon, Gia DiGristina, Susie Safranski and Sophia Leonard.

— Contributed


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