
Mingo officials help children shop

MINGO HELPS CHILDREN — Mingo Junction officials gathered Thursday to assist 83 children in their shopping adventure to Wal-Mart using the $100 they were given as part of the Mingo Junction Police Department’s fifth-annual Cops and Cruisers for Christmas program. -- Christopher Dacanay

MINGO JUNCTION — Mingo Junction officials assisted 83 children as they received the opportunity to shop for what they wanted for Christmas on Thursday.

Each child received $100 in which to shop for their own gift at Wal-Mart. The gift was part of the Mingo Junction Police Department’s fifth-annual Cops and Cruisers for Christmas program.

The department was able to raise thousands of dollars for this year’s program, according to Police Chief Willie McKenzie III.

The money received came from local businesses and individuals who wanted to give back to the village.

All of the excess proceeds will be stored in the department’s police and community fund, McKenzie noted.

The leftover money will be used for future community-building events, he added.

Event participants collectively decided to gather at the city building where everyone was treated to refreshments prior to being transported to Wal-Mart on buses that were provided by the Indian Creek Local School District.

Volunteer chaperones included Mingo Junction Mayor Judy Ruckman, Village Administrator Darrin Corrigan, Village Councilwoman Patti Mannarino and Hills Elementary School Principal Erin Aloggia.

Others volunteering to chaperone the 83 children included school staff members from Hills Elementary School, six employees from JSW Steel USA Ohio, a Steubenville Police Department officer and two employees from the Jefferson County Court District 2.

McKenzie stated at the conclusion of the event, “We would like to thank everybody who was involved, whether it was a police officer or anyone else who lent a hand to help the kids in the community shop and pick out some of the things they really wanted for Christmas.”

“I would just like to thank God that we continue to be blessed to make things like this possible,” McKenzie concluded. “We always look forward to doing more things in our community to make it a better environment for each and every child and every citizen.”


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