
‘American Pickers’ looking for Ohio participants

COMING TO OHIO — Producers and cast members of the television show “American Pickers,” will be coming to Ohio to seek anyone interested in taking part in the show and who possess the items for which they are interested. -- Contributed

STEUBENVILLE — Anthony Rodriguez, producer of the History Channel’s “American Pickers” show, has announced the television program is planning to make its return to Ohio in March.

Rodriguez is looking to help get the word out and see just who will be willing to help them get the word out to collectors in their respective areas.

“We are looking for leads throughout the state, specifically interesting characters with fascinating items,” Rodriguez stated. “The way we find people and collections for our show is through spreading the word far and wide so that people know we’re coming to town.” Information on “American Pickers” can be found on Facebook.

Rodriguez explained the show is seeking people who have “different, unusual and unique items.”

They are searching for “something we have never seen before with an extraordinary story.”

Collectors interested in being considered for the show can reach out by phone at (646) 493-2184 or through e-mail at AmericanPickets@cineflix.com.

Include your name, city, state, contact information and a brief description of the collection item. Only private collections will be selected.


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