
Correctional institute visits JVS program

MAKING AN IMPACT — Officials from the Belmont Corrtctional Institution in St. Clairsville visited the criminal justice program at the Jefferson County Joint Vocational School in Bloomingdale. Warden Shelbie Smith, along with staff members, gave a presentation regarding the Lucasville riot. Criminal justice students were interested in the presentation, asking questions and wanting to know more. -- Contributed

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The Belmont Correctional Institution visited the Jefferson County Joint Vocational School’s criminal justice program, conducting a presentation on the Lucasville riot. They also attended the skills competition by students.

Warden Shelbie Smith, along with other staff members, attended the day-long event. Former Warden Art Tate visited the school and conducted the presentation.

While speaking to students about his career, Tate had students’ full attention, noting they were “impressed and full of questions.”

Tate stated, “I really enjoyed visiting the school and speaking to the young people about not only the career options in the criminal justice field, but the importance of making good decisions in general and to learn to better ourselves, even when mistakes are made.”

Jamie Freeman, criminal justice instructor, stated, “I really enjoyed the day and really appreciate all who participated. The students were very impressed and were still talking about it later in the week.”

BeCI and the JVS partnered a few years ago and started an immersion program.

The program informs the students about the multiple jobs and career opportunities at BeCI. Officials noted it is a recruitment opportunity to encourage the students in a career in corrections.

The weeklong program involves the students visiting, touring and learning at the institution. This is the first year Smith and her staff have visited the JVS campus.

“The immersion program with the JVS is very important to BeCI, not only for recruitment purposes, but also for creating community partners involving young people,” Smith concluded. “BeCI intends to make this program better and to add to it.”


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