
Thursday Music Club chorus spring concert set

SET TO PERFORM — Members of the Thursday Music Club chorus will hold its annual spring concert at 11 a.m. April 3 at the Elm Grove United Methodist Church in Wheeling. The community is invited to attend. Members of the chorus include, from left, front, Director Anita Chops, Linda Wilson, Judy Beaver, Susan Moore, Betty Lane, Marie Farnsworth and Suzie McCormick; second row, Sue Pevac, Paula Lewis, Peggy Laing, Lori Helmick, Sandy Loughman, Betsy Viewig and Susie Schmulevich; and back, accompanist Debbie Breiding, Barbara Daly, Janet Jaquay, Linda Leithe and Alice Runkle. Members also include Pam Leech and Nancy West. -- Contributed

WHEELING — The Thursday Music Club is inviting the community to attend its annual spring concert.

The concert is a celebration of music and talent, according to club officials.

The event is scheduled to take place beginning at 11 a.m. on April 3 at the Elm Grove United Methodist Church, located at 125 Kruger St. in Wheeling.

The performance promises to be a fun and entertaining program, officials announced.

Led under the direction of Director Anita Chops, with Debbie Breiding serving as her accompanyist on the piano, the club’s 21-member Ohio Valley chorus will perform a variety of beloved pieces.

Among this year’s sections will be: “The Glory of God,” “What a Wonderful World,” “A Tribute to Judy Garland,” “My Guy” and “Sincerely.”

A few pop favorites will be performed as well, officials noted.

“Adding to the program’s charm, violinist Alaina Holliday will perform alongside one of the group’s selections,” officials continued. “The program will be based on the song ‘There’s No Business Like Show Business,’ from ‘Annie Get Your Gun.'”

“It’s entertainment that you’re sure to enjoy,” organizers concluded.

The concert will be free to attend and is open to the public.

The music to be performed is for people of all ages.

Following the performance, attendees are welcome to gather for lunch in the fellowship hall, at the cost of $20 per person. Reservations for lunch are required by Monday.

To make a reservation, call Sandy Smith at (304) 242-1268.


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