
Wednesday Fish Frys continue

Betty Fiedorczyk is surrounded by her volunteer helpers during the weekly fish fry dinners served at the Sacred Heart of Mary Church. Billed as the “best fish in the valley,” according to church officials, the church is continuing to prepare fish for takeout service every Wednesday during the Lenten season. The church cafeteria is located at 200 Preston Ave., where patrons can purchase fried or baked fish, shrimp, haluski, mac and cheese, french fries and pierogies from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. each Wednesday. Homemade bread and desserts are available for purchase, as well. To place an order, call (304) 723-1648. Walk-ins are welcome to place a carryout order, or orders can be placed through the church’s app by searching Sacred Heart of Mary Church. Fiedorczyk announced, “There are only three more weeks to enjoy these traditional delights,” with the dates being Wednesday, April 2 and April 9.

— Contributed


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