
World Day of Prayer

The Weirton Chapter of Church Women United held its annual World Day of Prayer for 2025 on March 7 at Memorial Baptist Church in Weirton. The meeting’s theme was “The Priority of Prayer.” Nine churches participated in the meeting, with 17 women attending, including Charlene Dawkins of Greater Zion Temple in Steubenville. Dawkins sang two songs, accompanying her singing on the piano. A presentation was made to the Christian Center by Diane Pastoric. Lunch was served in the fellowship hall by the women of Memorial Baptist Church. The group’s April meeting will be a telephone conference call, scheduled for 5 p.m. April 4. Call (267) 807-9601 and use code No. 230635 to be a part of the event. The next regular meeting will be held on Friendship Day, which falls on May 2, at Oakland Presbyterian Church. The Lighthouse will be the featured project, officials said.

— Contributed


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