
$10M expansion under way at Weirton Medical Center

EXPANSION UNDER WAY — The new Weirton Medical Center Lab now has the latest technology, including the new Roche Ventana BenchMark Ultra Immunohistochemistry analyzer and the Siemens Atellica Chemistry instruments. These are just part of the first phase of the $10 million project at WMC. -- Contributed

WEIRTON ­– The first phase of a $10 million expansion project at Weirton Medical Center is complete, the hospital announced Thursday.

A new state-of-the-art laboratory, located on the third floor of the hospital’s Medical Office Building, has begun operation, bringing some of the latest technology to WMC’s general chemistry, microbiology, hematology, pathology and blood bank, according to hospital officials.

The lab features new instrumentation, including the Atellica Chemistry Analyzers and DXH 900 Hematology Analyzers. Other upgrades include an expanded pneumatic delivery system throughout the hospital, transporting lab samples from the inpatient care units to the lab and from the lab to the floors.

“We are continually investing in technology and improvements so we can continue to deliver the exceptional healthcare our community deserves and expects from us at WMC,” stated John Frankovitch, WMC chief executive officer and president.

With the lab opened, work begins on Phase 2 of the project which includes the construction of a new, comprehensive Gastroenterology Center. The state-of-the-art Gastroenterology Center is on target to open next summer.

The third and final phase of this $10 million expansion will include an expanded and redesigned WMC Emergency Department.

Due to increasing volumes of emergency patient visits, WMC will expand to include a much larger space to care for more critical and emergency patients, noted officials.

This expansion will improve patient flow, upgrade ER technology and bring the latest equipment to physicians and nurses in the emergency room.

“When WMC was originally built in 1978, the ER was built for a capacity of only a third of the emergency volume the WMC sees today. We have seen the WMC ER volume grow significantly, treating patients from a 40-mile radius in a three-state region. We are excited to get these projects completed to improve emergency access for the community. We anticipate the ER upgrades will be complete the summer of 2024,” said David Artman, WMC chief operating officer.

Artman says the goal is to improve patient flow while delivering excellent care with even further upgraded technology.

“This $10 million project is not just an investment in WMC but an investment in our community. It ensures we can continue to provide the highest possible level of medical care for our friends and families across the region,” concluded Frankovitch.


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