
Hancock County man facing 27 counts after escape attempt

NEW CUMBERLAND — A Hancock County man faces 27 counts in Magistrate Court, after allegedly trying to escape custody earlier this week in Newell.

William R. Payton, formerly of Hudson, Fla., was arrested Monday by West Virginia State Police on 10 counts of battery on law enforcement; 10 counts of obstructing law enforcement; one count each of possessing a controlled substance without a valid prescription (THC vape), refusal to submit to fingerprinting, unlawful destruction of property and fleeing from law enforcement. Those charges are all misdemeanors.

In addition, Payton is charged with one count of willful and intentional destruction of property loss ($2,500 or more) and two counts of attempted escape, which are all felonies.

Issuing Magistrate Omeka Petteway initially set Payton’s bond at $56,000 property or surety.

According to the complaints, West Virginia State Police and deputies from the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office had responded to the 400 block of Grant Street in Newell to serve Payton with a warrant at his family home.

Chester police had responded as backup and offered to transport Payton, who then became aggressive and partially shattered a window in the police cruiser that he was sitting in during transport.

He then became wedged in the window, as he allegedly attempted to climb out.

Law enforcement was unable to get him unstuck from the damaged cruiser and had to call for the fire department and EMS to extract and examine him for incarceration at the regional jail.

The officers had been trying to serve a warrant issued earlier this summer for fleeing and petit larceny, when he drew the latest charges.

Columbiana County already has requested extradition of Payton to Ohio on June charges filed by East Liverpool police, including felonious assault, failure to comply, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and two counts of child endangerment.

Petteway transferred that extradition request Wednesday to Circuit Court the day before Magistrate Steve Svokas arraigned him on the most recent West Virginia charges and scheduled him to come back to court at 10:20 a.m. Thursday.

(Ujhelyi can be contacted at sujhelyi@mojonews.com)


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