
WMCC Youth Basketball signups under way

WERITON — The inaugural season of the Weirton Millsop Community Center Youth Basketball League for kids in kindergarten through sixth grade will tip off this winter.

Area youths can sign up now at the community center, with age divisions set for kindergarten through second grade, third and fourth grade, and fifth and sixth grade.

The registration fee is $75 per player, with discounts for parents who volunteer to coach and multiple family members participating in the program.

Each division will play a minimum of 10 games. Uniform shirts will be provided, and players will be required to provide black athletic shorts for game play.

The deadline for league entry is Oct. 21.

Businesses interested in sponsoring a team can contact Program Director Chris Krishak at (304) 797-5721.

For more information, call the WMCC customer service desk (304) 797-8520, or stop by Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. or Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


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