
Additional charges filed in drug investigation

SEIZED — The Jefferson County Drug Task Force seized four more pounds — 1,000 grams each — of cocaine and fentanyl, Wednesday. Earlier, the task force seized 18 pounds of fentanyl and cocaine, five guns, eight vehicles and more than $175,000 in cash from three Steubenville residences and a storage unit. -- Contributed

STEUBENVILLE — Lionel Lindsey Jr., the Steubenville man already bound over to the Jefferson County grand jury as a major drug offender, is facing new charges.

Lindsey, 51, is facing two new charges of possessing cocaine and possessing fentanyl after detectives with the Jefferson County Drug Task Force seized four more pounds–1,000 grams each–of the two drugs Wednesday.

Lindsey, 112 McDowell Ave., had been taken into custody Oct. 15 after the task force allegedly seized 18 pounds of fentanyl and cocaine, five guns, eight vehicles and more than $175,000 in cash from three Steubenville residences and a storage unit. Since then he’s been held in the Jefferson County Jail on a $500,000 bond, and earlier this week Wintersville County Court Judge Michael Bednar forwarded the case to the grand jury.

Task Force Commander Capt. John Lemal said search warrants executed Wednesday morning yielded the additional fentanyl and cocaine. Those charges were filed in Steubenville Municipal Court, where Judge John Mascio Jr. set his bond at $1 million cash or surety at his arraignment Thursday.

The additional finds bring the total drugs seized to 22 pounds, Lemal said.

“Fentanyl is killing people and the court believes the bond in this case should be similar to a bond that would be set in a murder case, given the amount of alleged drugs involved and the danger they pose to the community,” Mascio said after the hearing, pointing out that bond is intended in part to protect the public. “That’s what I told him today.”

Lindsey’s Muncipal Court $1 million bond is in addition to his $500,000 county court bond, sources said.


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