
Local Briefs

Inspection scheduled for JRB

NEWELL — A portion of U.S. 30 at the Jennings Randolph Bridge will be restricted to one lane from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Nov. 1 for a bridge inspection.

The closure will include alternating between eastbound and westbound lanes, as well as Ramp A and Ramp B. Motorists are advised to expect delays in their travel.

School board meeting moved

WEIRTON — The special meeting of the Hancock County Board of Education, set for today, will now take place in the Little Theatre at Weir High School because of a scheduling conflict.

The meeting will still be held at 5:30 p.m., to include a student disciplinary hearing.

Ditching set on St. John’s Road

FOLLANSBEE — A portion of St. John’s Road, from milepost 0.53 to milepost 3.45, will be restricted to one lane, for ditching work.

The restrictions will be in place from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., beginning Thursday and going through Nov. 1.

Traffic will be maintained by flaggers, and traffic delays are expected.


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