
Two seek West Virginia’s 3rd District House seat

Voters in West Virginia’s 3rd Delegate District, which includes parts of Brooke and Ohio counties, will be asked to choose from two candidates on Nov. 5.

They Democratic challenger David Cantrell of Wheeling and Republican incumbent Jimmy Willis of Bethany.

Cantrell is a 24-year member of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 141 and has served on its executive board, as its vice president and presently, its president.

He completed a five-year apprenticeship with the local and is a journeyman, qualifying him to work independently on job sites, and is president of the Ohio Valley Trades and Labor Assembly.

Of the group, he said, “Aside from helping labor-friendly candidates get elected, we also do lots of charity work, such as our dunk tank, through which we typically raise about $5,000 for local charities.”

Asked goals he would pursue if elected, Cantrell said he would “provide a voice for the hard-working men and women of West Virginia, work to restore women’s reproductive rights and support initiatives that invest in our education system. It is essential that we strengthen our public school systems.”

Cantrell said he would push for improved roads, bridges, water lines and broadband access in the Northern Panhandle; create a task force to address the drug problem, mental health and the homeless and ensure transparency and accountability.

In his second year in the House of Delegates, Willis serves on its education, technology and infrastructure, and economic development committees.

He was a member of the legislative oversight committee on education accountability for the special session and said if re-elected, he will continue to work to ensure state funds allocated for schools are used effectively to educate students.

Willis said if re-elected, he will “continue to prioritize vocational education in our public schools, work to bring jobs back to the Northern Panhandle through economic development and deregulation, and be a good steward of the taxpayers’ dollars so the income tax will continue to be reduced.”

“I also will continue to do everything I can from the state level to ensure infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges and water projects, are getting completed in our area,” he said.

“It has been an honor of a lifetime to serve in the House of Delegates and I will continue to do everything in my power to push the Northern Panhandle and West Virginia as a whole forward,” said Willis.


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