
Make use of early voting period

While the general election is in a couple of weeks, voters in West Virginia will be able to begin casting their votes this week.

Our state has offered an in-person early voting period for several years, providing voters who may not be able to make it to the polls on the dedicated election day an avenue to still cast their votes for their preferred candidates.

The in-person early voting period for the general election begins Wednesday, with registered voters able to visit their county courthouses every weekday and Saturday through Nov. 2.

Much of the attention, of course, has been on the presidential race between current Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. There are other candidates appearing on the ballot, though, who deserve your attention and consideration.

Those include the battle between state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and Huntington Mayor Steve Williams to be West Virginia’s next governor, current Governor Jim Justice and former Wheeling mayor Glenn Elliott facing off to represent the state in the U.S. Senate, and a variety of other state level offices including our local representatives in the West Virginia Legislature.

Hancock County residents will be asked to select the county’s sheriff, as well as to consider support for an existing excess levy to provide assistance to the Hancock County Sheltered Workshop and a new bond levy to fund security and other projects for Hancock County Schools.

Brooke County voters, meanwhile, have their own sheriff’s race to consider, as well as a campaign for county commissioner.

Others on the ballots are unopposed.

In Weirton, divided between the two counties, city voters will be asked to make their choice for mayor and seven members of city council.

Whatever your stance on the candidates or issues, it is important for all registered voters to make use of our elections to let their voices be heard.

It is an important part of our nation’s existence for the voice of the people to be the deciding factor in who is elected to represent us.

If you are registered to vote, we always encourage you to take part in this process, whether it be on election day or during the dedicated early voting period.


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