
Why Harris and Walz?

To the Editor,

Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance was recently hindered from entering a Primanti Bros. restaurant.

Supposedly the store had no advance notice, despite the fact that members of the local Republican committee were present. After some initial conflict, with Vance being blocked from entering and his supporters expelled, Vance and the others were ultimately allowed back inside and served, with Vance graciously understanding the reaction, asking everyone to continue supporting the chain and even paying for everyone’s meals.

Details of the incident overall do seem rather conflicted and sketchy, with Primanti’s, of course, denying it all, but video posted to social media certainly indicates that this was indeed the case.

Regardless, however, in the outrage over the Vance incident with Primanti’s, people seem to have forgotten another incident several weeks ago in Moon Township, Pa.

Allow me to remind you …

There, the Primanti’s closed at 4 p.m., sending patrons into the parking lot and locking the doors, to allow the Harris/Walz touring political theater company to bring in a busload of actors, so Kamala–who, I remind you, was so popular in the 2020 primary she received zero votes, and was the first to drop out, yet for some unfathomable reason was chosen to be VP–could be filmed interacting with a friendly crowd, asking what were, likely, entirely scripted questions.

Let’s imagine for a moment the reaction if Donald Trump had been in Harris’ place, doing that same thing. We’d still be hearing about it from the propaganda ministry media.

Vance wanted to genuinely interact with supporters and random people. Harris shamelessly committed fraud, and Primanti’s happily accommodated her.

Vance apologized for the fuss, and despite the circumstances, encouraged continued patronage of the restaurant.

Conversely, Democrat vice presidential candidate Tim (“Stolen Valor”) Walz, was booed at a football game, and proceeded to give everyone the finger.

See the difference?

Every time Harris opens her mouth to say words, anyone with an IQ above room temperature cringes in anticipation. Befuddled, effete milquetoast Walz has all the confidence-instilling vigor, charisma and charm of a dead fly.

What needs to be asked is, why these two? Out of all other, better, candidates, why them?

The Democrats lied about Joe Biden’s deteriorating cognitive and physical health, waiting until after his embarrassing performance in the debate to dump him. This was, coincidentally (wink), too late for a proper primary. Harris got the nod by default.

Average Democrats anticipating a Black woman president forget that, prior to 2020, she identified as Indian. Not the Elizabeth Warren kind — the kind from India.

Harris has been vice presient since 2021, but she’s gonna make it all good on day one.

She’s a cackling nincompoop, lightyears out of her league, and Walz is her bumbling sidekick. They have to realize how far out of their depth they are.

Harris/Walz: No competence, no platform, no scruples, no ethics. No class. God forbid these two absurd good-for-nothings actually win — may whoever votes for them get whatever they deserve.

Rob Denham



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