
Weir girls returning to OVAC finals  

WEIRTON — The Weir High girls soccer team is headed back the OVAC championship game.

The defending Class 4A champs will get a chance to defend their title on Saturday after defeating Oak Glen in the semifinals at home on Wednesday.

The win, a 2-0 victory, is the Red Riders (7-3-3) second of the season over the Golden Bears. They also defeated their county foes 2-0 in a regular season meeting.

Lexi Fayak and Jaidyn Kelly each scored a goal for Weir High, while Elli Noel and Madelyn Cramer each recorded an assist.

Rayna Hoover made two saves in goal to secure the Red Riders fifth shutout of the season in 13 games.

For the Golden Bears, Cam Michaud made 12 saves in net to keep her team close.

The Red Riders defeated Oak Glen in last year’s championship game to end a six-year title reign by the Golden Bears.

The Red Riders will take on St. Clairsville at noon on Saturday at Red Devil Stadium. The Red Devils defeated Beaver Local, 4-2, in the other semifinal on Wednesday.

The Red Riders and Red Devils (8-3) were the top two seeds. Weir won a regular season meeting, 3-1, earlier this month.


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